Are you a golfer? Or do you know anyone who is a golfer? Scan the QR code above and have a look at what I can do for you or them… The understanding of a golfer’s mindset has become so big in the professional golfing world and I am on a one-woman mission to bring this opportunity to amateur golfers too. No one can argue that it takes a strong mind to play a game like golf, so why neglect your own mindset? Working with me, I can build up a toolkit that will increase your self-belief, confidence, focus and attention plus much more. Want to know more, give me a call 07702822247 ⛳️ 🧠 💪🏻
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Have you ever had that crucial moment on the course where you concentration lapses and your golf is impacted? Or you’ve had that putt for the win and your focus becomes muddled, thus making an error?
During next week’s mindset clinic, we will be exploring how this happens and what can be used to help stop it.
Come join me to develop focus and concentration techniques that when applied appropriately, can and will improve your performance on the course.
@lg_golf_psychology_coach @prestongolfclub
At Preston Golf Club, we have set up a mindset clinic for the members to drop-in and learn different techniques. This is a weekly session which allows the member to have a taster of what golf psychology can do to improve their game. It’s a great way to explore your own mindset and take away some tips to add instantly to your game.
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